Would You Swim with a Great White Shark?

It's Shark Week and Everybody's Tuning In.... BUT Would You Ever Swim with a GREAT WHITE SHARK? Most people would say NOOOO but it's a once in a lifetime encounter that would be pretty cool under the right circumstances. I guess if you live to tell about it then those would be considered the right circumstances. Watching Shark Week episodes the technology that we have is amazing to actually see these incredible creatures and not have to leave the safety of our own living room. I have to admit part of me would love the chance to see a Great White but let's face it that will never happen. If it does you can read about it on social media or in my obituary because the chances of surviving that encounter wouldn't be in my favor. I guess like the rest of you I'll get my deep sea thrills once a year by watching Shark Week... FINS UP!!!!

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