Tall Ships Erie's lasting effect on our community will last far beyond weekend. It's something that can't be measured in dollars and cents. PRIDE in Erie. Tall Ships was scheduled to be here long time ago but it's came at the perfect time to lift a community after the most tragic fire in recent memory, a time when the we have been divided about future development and when good jobs aren't easy to find. Tall Ships Erie brought the world to our door step with visitors from all over the country and ships from around the world. It's economic impact was immediately felt in hotel rooms selling out and people spending the day or weekend in town. The lasting effects in my mind will be the PRIDE that it gave us in the place we live and how we showed our guests that Erie is a Great Place to LIVE and raise a family. The sun felt good, the temperatures were ideal, and the great weather helped but more than that was the feeling that something good was happening in our community and everyone wanted to be part of it. Here's hoping that we can all keep that optimism as the seasons change....